protmataden Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Hostage Malayalam Movie Download

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a5c7b9f00b When a family is held hostage, former hostage negotiator Jeff Talley arrives at the scene. Talley's own family is kidnapped and Talley must decide which is more important: saving a family he doesn't even know or saving his own family.
In a small town in California, the chief of police Jeff Talley is facing relationship problems with his teenager daughter. One year later, he was the prime police negotiator in Los Angeles, but after an unsuccessful negotiation, he gave-up his position and decided to move with his family to a calmer life. When three punks invade the house of Walter Smith, a wealthy accountant, and jeopardize his family, holding them hostage, Jeff's family is abducted by powerful criminals to force him to retrieve a DVD with bank accountings' information kept in Walter's office.
HOSTAGE (2+ outta 5 stars) Completely ridiculous, illogical and … nonetheless it is probably one of Bruce Willis's better non-Die Hard thrillers. He plays a hostage negotiator who buckles under the pressure and becomes the police chief of a small town. Not small enough apparently…a convoluted scenario develops… involving encrypted computer files, the mob, a home invasion and the kidnapping of the chief's own (estranged, of course) family. One jaw-droppingly unrealistic moment after another propels this movie to its pre-ordained conclusion. No surprises here… the plot follows the traditional route from A to B to C. The acting ranges from fine (Willis is not bad, actually) to bland (Kevin Pollak) to overdone (Jonathan Tucker, the stupid, whiny "leader" of the gang) to flat-out annoying (the precocious, plucky son of Pollak's character). There's a really good scene where Willis first meets the hooded (Mafia? FBI?) villains who just happen to need something really important from the house under siege. Plus, the character of Mars (Ben Foster), a kind of cross between Trent Reznor and Stephen Wright, is sort of fun to watchhe becomes more and more of a psychopath. The movie isn't totally awful…longyou leave your brain at home.
This is a really taut thriller, so if you don't like intense and continuous action, don't see it! I like Bruce Willis, and he was doing what he does best here. 'Hostage' is kind of clichĂ©-y, but done well. I could see a 'Die Hard' series coda–- lots of plays on plays, so to speak, bringing back the character Willis played in those earlier flicks.<br/><br/>Recall from 'Die Hard' the relationship between Willis and the street cop. A similar relationship exists here, but this time between Willisthe outside cop, and a little kid on the inside. Other bits and shticks also echoed earlier Willis work. As predictablesome of the scenes were, the movie was still well made, and entertaining. It is clearly in the better range of thrillers.<br/><br/>The villains were sufficiently creepy, and the violence was pretty scary. Overall, a well made, if not for everybody, movie.
Right from the intriguing opening sequence, which hints at the bleakness which envelops the movie, Willis’ Talley is an interesting character.
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last edited 259 weeks ago by protmataden
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