protmataden Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Rendel In Tamil Pdf Download

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a5c7b9f00b A Finnish superhero, a masked vigilante Rendel seeks for revenge and fights against VALA, the huge criminal organization.
The Rendel movie is a story of a man blinded by his desire for revenge and hatred. Even though Rendel can be considereda super hero, he is somewhat darker than the traditional representatives of the genre. The movie takes place in the fictionalized version of a Finnish city, Mikkeli.
Evidently if you take away Spawn's powers, and use a similar costume, and maintain the same gritty, dark, shadowy industrial gothic city setting, NO ONE WILL NOTICE SOMEHOW
As I understand this is an Origin and there was not a comic before the movie was conceived. Of course now, after the movie, there probably will be some comics to go with the movie. For an origin, this is more than decent. It's dark, it has weird characters and it has good action sequences in it.<br/><br/>The main character who embodies traits from other existing characters from comic books (like The Crow or even The Darkness, which is also a video game). Unfortunately he is a bit bland, which is probably one of the main point everyone is criticizing the movie for. And it's valid criticism, just try to avoid putting this on the same scale, when it comes to character then other movies. The special effects are more than good and it is anything but politically correct. So just sit back and enjoy this - if you can

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last edited 259 weeks ago by protmataden
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